Career right for you!

If you are looking for answers what career is right for you, you should definitely NOT visit a fortune-teller looking for an answer. The answer is in you! The better you know yourself, the better choices you will make in the context of career planning.  
Here are a few tips for you to start with ...

To better know yourself we advise you to use free online tools:

Meet Marco by JobTeaser!

Why this test?

We spend around 90,000 hours of our lives at work - that’s the equivalent of walking from London to Shanghai 10 times and back on foot! By helping you identify your compatibility with certain career families from the outset, Marco will help you choose the right pair of walking boots to send you on your way. Let’s get to it!

Discover your occupational values in less than 10 minutes with  Freya

Why this questionnaire?

Occupational values are defined as the ideals, goals, and needs that individuals wish to achieve in their profession. These ideals are different from one person to another. FREYA helps you to identify and assess which characteristics should be within your work environment so that you feel fulfilled and motivated at work!

Try out  16 Personalities!

Take this Personality Test and get a “freakishly accurate” description of who you are and why you do things the way you do. In the free type descriptions you’ll learn what really drives, inspires, and worries different personality types, helping you build more meaningful relationships.

About me … (Exercise)

Take a big piece of paper or a few ones and write the following headlines:

  • What motivates me?
  • What are my interests/hobbies?
  • What is/are my passion/s?
  • I like (doing) …
  • I hate (doing) ...
  • Which values are the most important for me? (Health? Family? Money?)
  • What are my strenghts?
  • What are my weaknesses? (be honest and dont’t worry – you can always improve!)
  • What are my personal goals? Can I set them? (with SMART for example)
  • What are my professional goals? Can I set them? (with SMART for example)
  • What is the level of my interpersonal skills? (rate yourself from 1 to 10)
  • What is the level of my emotional intelligence? (rate yourself from 1 to 10)
  • What is my personality?
  • Do I have any limitations? (related to health problems for example)
  • What are my main hard skills/competences?
  • What are my main soft skills/competences?
  • Who can support me?

Put the piece/s of paper in an accessible place and make notes for some time (a week or two) whenever you think about something important. You can also ask those questions to people, who know you the best and will answer you honestl, without offending or being malicious.

When your list is pretty full, think and try to find out (write down your ideas):

  • which professional areas would be best for you?
  • what kind of tasks would you like to perform daily?
  • what kind of professional environment would bring you satisfaction from your job?

Reading different job descriptions can be helpful, also to identyfy areas for development.

To sum up ...

No matter what your career stage, it's important to understand yourself, so you can find a career path that is rewarding and satisfyig.
Self-awareness can unlock your personal potential and help you to develope both professionally and personally.