Register to our career portal

We encourage you to register at our Career Portal on JobTeaser platform in order to manage your career in Poland easily.

For students and graduates of our University we offer thiis modern and intuitive tool which supports career projects and assists in search for internships or jobs.

All you need to do is to register, polish 😉 your profile, upload your CV and set your search criteria!

Let’s go!

  1. Enter and choose English language (EN on the top).
  2. Sign up (Login if you have already created your account).
  3. Personalize your profile, add a good professional photo.
  4. Set up your search criteria.
  5. Upload your CV...

and make the most of our career portal at JobTeaser:

  • Find internships and targeted job offers matching your profile,
  • find out about our partner companies, but not only,
  • watch job videos sorted by sector (more than 1500 of them near at hand),
  • stay tuned for events organized and proposed by AMU Careers Service and our companies which correspond to your profile,
  • find useful tips for effective internship or job search in the ADVICE menu.

If you sign up to offers alert (daily information) and the event alert (weekly information), you can receive directly in your mailbox notifications of offers and events that match your search citeria! You can select the alerts in your personal space.

Here you can watch some guidelines how to sign up and o make best use of our career portal at JobTeaser:

How to use the Career Center by JobTeaser ? from JobTeaser on Vimeo.

Do you need more?
Download the JobTeaser APP dedicated to students from Google Play or App Stire and let recruiters come to you!

If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact our team of AMU Careers Service